Wednesday, 6 July 2011

A small explanation

I love my job as a copywriter. But now and again it's nice to just have the freedom to write whatever the sod I want. No holds barred. No word count. No rules. And without getting told off for starting sentences with the words 'and' 'but' or 'because'. (Because that's something I do a lot. And so does The Guardian. But some clients aren't fans.)

So for me, this big fat blank blog is as the equivalent of breathing the small of freshly cut grass. As refreshing as a lemonade ice lolly on a boiling hot day. As delicious as that first glass of chardonnay on a friday night at approximately 7.30pm.

In other words I might go on a bit. Just because I can. Marvellous.


  1. So glad you're still blogging! You've inspired me to give it a go, may be rather amusing as I've never done it before lol.

    Oddly I've always wanted a cake shop too, think we're at other ends of the country though so shouldn't be in competition if we both make the shops come true!

    All the best, Ellie

  2. Hello Ellie!
    I nearly fell off my chair when I saw your comment - how did you find this blog? was it linked from 'wedding in wellies' somehow?? (I am a proper techno-idiot at times. I've literally only just worked out how twitter works)

    But thank you for your lovely comment. I really missed writing on my wedding blog, so just thought I'd be a tiny bit self indulgent and carry on writing about...stuff! Its very therapeutic - I recommend it, give it a go!

    love Lou x

  3. Lol, it was indeed linked from the wedding blog and I have stepped into the unknown and started blogging ... eek!

    Ellie x

  4. Wahey! just looking at your blog - brilliant!!
    and I LOVE your border terrier pup! so cute!! Did you see my Toby on the wedding blog? He's such good fun, they are brilliant dogs, great personalities - he'll pop up on this blog a lot too.

    Also - there's a rather lovely similarity/coincidence with what's going on in your life and what's going on in mine. But more on that later in my blog! watch this space!

  5. Thank yoooooooou! I've loved your blogs so chuffed mine isn't too much of a disappointment to you!

    I did see Toby, super cute, also showed the hubby (I still love saying that!) I grew up next door to a farm with a BT (Digger) and love them, and the hubby has always wanted one, not sure how I've managed to get an additional dog into the house under the guise of his birthday present though?!

    Am very intrigued and I will indeed watch this space!

    Ellie x
